This is the place to get answers to questions you have always wanted to ask and some that you never wanted to ask. We have even answered questions you are passionately ambivalent about asking, despite discouragement from naysaying linguists.

Click on a question or the ? icon on its left to show or hide the answer.

Do you really provide treatment to people with movie-related psychological issues?

Which is better, Fullscreen or Widescreen?

Why don’t you review more American movies?

Why don’t you rate the movies you review?

How do I know which movies are good if you don’t rate them?

Why not warn us about movies that are bad?

What’s the point in reading reviews of movies I’ve never even heard of?

Why don’t your reviews include Rating Certificates or Parental Advisories?

But what about the Children?!?!?

Why do some of the videos on this site fail to play properly?

Where can I find free downloads of the movies you review?

Why did the dingo eat the baby?

Posted April 1, 2018 by PsychoDingo